Downtown BGKY

The following pictures are from the downtown area of Bowling Green, KY. These are definitely some of my favorites! I rarely am in this area, but found myself wandering around with my Canon snapping all sorts of pictures. There’s not a whole lot to the downtown area, but it does have some character.

On a side note, I don’t think WordPress is recognizing that this year is a leap year because my blog post says March 1st. SO, my dates will be off on the March Challenge posts. 🙂









About jlynnmurphy

I'm a full-time School Psychologist who has recently taken up the hobby of photography! My husband and I received a Cannon Rebel last year for a wedding present from my father-in-law - it was love at first sight. I took a bazillion pictures on our honeymoon in Chicago, IL and truly fell in love with capturing everything that Chicago had to offer. I have been spoiled rotten by using a DSLR camera and the regular point-shoot cameras cannot hold a candle to the picture qualify that the Cannon Rebel provides. I suppose I have become a "camera snob"! While on summer vacation this year, my photog interests have really taken off! I have most recently been taking photographs of IL and KY landscapes, as well as architecture. I'm wanting to branch out and do more family/individual portraits, as well as baby pictures. Pictures are definitely worth more than a thousand words, and being able to capture someone's once-in-a-lifetime moment is priceless. What I hope to accomplish with this blog is to simply archive life's beautiful moments. The end.
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